Hobby will take you to places that you wouldn`t even know exist

Hobby will take you to places that you wouldn`t even know exist
Diamond Rocks, The Mourne Mts, Northern Ireland

Monday, 14 March 2016

University College Cork display minerals

The day that we went with Klaudia to see Cotterite at UCC, we also had a look at their display cabinets at the last floor. This is just a small percentage of what they have. Unfortunately, they keep their specimens in boxes in the basement.
The photos are of terrible quality, taken through glass.
Gold in quartz

Wavellite from Laharran Quarry

Here is the post promised long ago.. I have been so busy recently that I hardly find time for my own child, not to mention my blog. So lads, forgive me...

Laharran Quarry is well known for producing world class wavellite specimens. It is quite easy to find and easy to access, but you definitely need a pair of rubber boots! You can spot the hole in the ground from the main road, but only if you drive slowly and look carefully :)

Wavellite can be found in the left corner of the quarry in clay. We had been told we would probably find mostly rosettes but we only found one such and the rest were beautiful, green spheres! Water dripping from the rocks straight on our heads wouldn`t discourage us, and so wouldn`t thorns of rasp(black?)berries and horse shitite around. It took us a while to locate a pocket, but when we finally succeeded, we were able to take out a good dozen of spheres.

I will show you only one close up photo, as till now I have been able to take only one relatively good shot. This photo has been edited by Thomas for me, without him I wouldn`t be able to show you my specimen.  Thank you, Thomas.
I am currently learning mineral photography and I can tell you one thing- IT`S HARD!!!!! I have ordered lenses for my phone, a tripod and three lamps, I`m waiting for delivery.

There is a photo showing all MY specimens (Klaudia has a few as well).

The rosettes are in the side of the slim rock, not really visible in the poor photo.  The big piece on the top hosts twins, very nice. See below

I am going to return there one day to look for bigger spheres. The site HIGHLY recommended!