Hobby will take you to places that you wouldn`t even know exist

Hobby will take you to places that you wouldn`t even know exist
Diamond Rocks, The Mourne Mts, Northern Ireland

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Ballyhass Lakes- round three!

OK, soooo...
following the advice of Mindaters, we returned to the Ballyhass to dig a bit deeper and look for better fluorite. Klaudia is now back from her holiday, so nothing stood in my way anymore.
Klaudia on her way. Note the weather- in the middle of summer in Ireland!

The staff over there remembered us and, as usual, they were very friendly and had nothing against. The owner/ manager of the place even asked us for a few samples so he could display for everyone to see. We have already given him some fossils, but we will go back there to present him a few fluorite pieces and take home 2 huge (each about 20kg heavy) pieces of rock with the syringopora coral fossil, that Klaudia discovered yesterday here:
Soil with lots of stones, simply paradise! ;)

One of two huuuge coral fossils
In this soil we also found this
Klaudia with her milky quartz crystals, niiiceeee
And our XXXXL version of it found a moment after Klaudia`s
Biggest crystal twice the size of my thumb nail

A small fossil...
But we got there because of fluorite!!! So...
... we decided to check all veins in which we found fluorite the first and second time, but in fact only one of them was still rich in it. We kept on digging, about 10cm deep
about 8 cm deep, more fluorite appearing
It wasn`t easy to dig, as we needed to climb a bit a we were sliding down! Our muscles were shaking and we had to change every few minutes. Klaudia has a corn on her hand from holding the hammer and I hit my hand with a hammer for the first time. It was ouch!
The vein was getting purple more and more!
And then- BINGO!!!! Some solid stuff!!!
While Klaudia was hanging on the rock, changing positions...

... I went for a walk to check out the surroundings. I found this (a fossil?) and left it there ;)
And unfortunately, we also had to leave these crystals, because they were impossible to take out
And this is what I chose for myself and kept in my collection

Check my rapport on hematite and chlorite tomorrow!

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